All you need for a smart home

May 14, 2021

Technology applied in the home produces surprising, almost film-like results. A few years ago, home automation was little known and expensive, but little by little new, more affordable systems have been developed to transform our home into an intelligent home.

The main objective of home automation is to be able to automate more and more elements of our homes to make our lives more comfortable and easier.

At Inmobiliaria Espígul we are very familiar with the latest trends in home automation and how they can be applied to your new home. Our new build properties have the possibility of integrating home automation with different functionalities adapted to your needs.

Although automating the house completely can be complex and time-consuming, there are many elements that can be modified to achieve the automation that is characteristic of a smart home.


This is the first and most important point. All tasks are managed from a central point, which can be a mobile phone or a smart speaker, provided that they are connected to a WIFI or Bluetooth network.

These devices act as a command centre where all kinds of systems can be linked, such as the ones we will talk about later.

A plus of smart speakers is that you can operate them with your voice, and this is not only very practical, but also a lot of fun!


A good way to start having a smart home is to include small appliances that are easy to plug in and use.

Appliances like humidifiers, fans or even robot vacuums! The only thing you need to take into account is that they are compatible with the smart speaker you have chosen.

We can also find large household appliances with advanced connectivity systems such as washing machines, televisions and refrigerators.


Lighting is one of the other aspects of the home where home automation can be applied more easily. You have to opt for smart bulbs, which are LED bulbs with some connectivity that allow you to adjust the intensity and even the colours of the light to create the ambience you want. You can opt for single bulbs or more complete systems.

Another option is to use smart plugs, devices that allow you to control any appliance you plug in. You don’t need anything special, just put the smart plug on top of the normal one and connect it via wifi.

Smart thermostat

A very practical option to have at home if you have a boiler is a smart thermostat. It allows you to control the temperature and also to create routines or you can even regulate it remotely, for example: turn it off if you have forgotten to do so when you leave the house or turn it on if you want to arrive home and the house is warm.


Surely one of the most important factors that home automation brings to a home. The most sophisticated alarms are connected to provide complete surveillance of your home. There are outdoor and indoor models that allow you to see what is happening in your home at all times.

By following these points you can achieve a much more automated home. But if what you want is a 100% intelligent house, the most advisable thing to do is to install installations so that more complex elements such as blinds and doors can operate by themselves.

These technological resources are increasingly being taken into account in the construction of new buildings. At Inmobiliaria Espígul we are aware that in the future the majority of constructions will take home automation into account, which is why we have the latest technology for your home at your disposal.

If you want to have an updated house with home automation you can contact us at or call us on 972 220 110.

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